Learning Modules
The following learning modules provide additional information regarding systems change, PLC definitions and dimensions, and district support for schools as they incorporate and implement the PLC framework.
Module I: A Systems Approach to Student Success
This learning module reviews why educational change has often failed to produce desired results in schools. It also reviews the value of having a common purpose for the district and the school, as well as prioritizing important elements of systemic change – parts, people and the organization.
Module II: PLC Definition and Dimensions
In this learning module, the PLC framework is explained including the definition, dimensions, and critical attributes. Also, the role of the district leader is examined and resources are provided for further study and reflection.
Module III: District Support for PLCs in Schools
A review of research is presented in this learning module that includes initial and secondary analyses of the relationships among district and school leaders and teachers as they work in PLC schools. Leader actions related to the five dimensions are presented, as well as major findings including the role of transparency and trust, district involvement, leadership capacity, focused alignment, professional learning, and accountability and autonomy, in developing a culture of learning.
Module IV: PLC Tools and Strategies
This learning module provides descriptions of tools and strategies that help a facilitator guide a school and district in examining their organization as a PLC and determining what their initial steps should be. These strategies and tools include the Professional Learning Community Organizer (PLCO), the Professional Learning Community Assessment-Revised (PLCA-R), the Professional Learning Community Developmental Rubric (PLC-DR), the Professional Learning Community Innovation Configuration Matrix (PLC-ICM), and the External Support System Innovation Cofiguration Matrix (ESS-ICM). It also includes a number of useful tools and strategies created by entities also interested in PLC development.
Module V: International Learning Community Research
Module V presents information about current efforts to identify and understand the development of the PLC structure and application across multiple international contexts.