D’Ette Fly Cowan, Ed. D., retired in 2010 as project director at SEDL, a private, nonprofit education research, development, and dissemination corporation, located in Austin, Texas. In the PLC project at SEDL, she served as a coordinator of Co-Developer activities and also contributed to the analysis and research of Co-Developer findings.
Dr. Cowan’s research on systemic reform lead to co-authorship of Working Systemically in Action: A Guide for Facilitators, Getting Serious About the System: A Fieldbook for District and School Leaders, and A Teacher’s Guide for Getting Serious About the System. She is a contributing author to Reculturing Schools as Professional Learning Communities and Learning Together, Leading Together. Dr. Cowan’s expertise on school and system reform has been shared through numerous international and national presentations.
Dr. Cowan earned her doctorate at the University of Texas at Austin and has served as an educational consultant, a school principal, and a reading teacher. Her research interests are professional learning communities, educational leadership, organizational development, and systemic improvement.
For more information, see Dr. Cowan’s CV or email her at [email protected]